Trapezoidal roofing sheets and siding that have been designed and developed to provide an attractive appearance, good performance and ease of installation. They are produced in different lengths, are suitable for installation in any construction and can be placed vertically or horizontally.
Γαλβάνισμα εν Θερμώ
Δεύτερης Ποιότητας
Πάχος: 0,30 – 0,80 mm
Συνήθες Πλάτος: 800 – 1000 mm
Μήκος: Μέχρι 12 μέτρα
DX51D + Z275 gr/m2 + 15 μ
DX51D + Z150 gr/m2 + 15 μ
Άλλες ποιότητες κατά παραγγελία